Composing a Dissertation Proposal on Employee Motivation

A dissertation proposal should allow your tutor to understand what your study is going to be about. It’s an important document that shows how good you are at conveying ideas concisely and clearly. The length of a proposal may differ depending on specific guidelines, but most often it is around 3000 words.

Employee motivation is a ready topic where you can explore the ways of raising the performance of workers and highlight the main difficulties in doing it. However, you may make your focus narrower and dive into the specifics of employee motivation in an office environment or take a closer look at money as a way to boost motivation.

Main Elements of a Dissertation Proposal on Employee Motivation

  1. Title.
  2. It’s a tentative title that you will be able to reconsider in the course of research.

  3. Abstract.
  4. It should contain around 100 words and present a short overview of the problems you are going to explore and the questions you are going to address. An abstract should be stand-alone, that is to say, the reader should be able to grasp its meaning without having to read the whole proposal.

  5. Research context.
  6. This should demonstrate the level of your familiarity with the topic. Talk about debates such as whether employee motivation should always be material or whether there is a connection between it and the quality of production. Thus you will explain the background of your research.

  7. Research questions.
  8. What questions is your research going to provide answers to? It will be difficult to limit yourself to a few questions if your topic is broad. That’s why it may be reasonable to choose a narrower one.

  9. Research methods.
  10. Talk about the methods you are going to use in your research. Your proposed research may be library-based, but you can collect data on employee motivation empirically as well. Explain how you are going to analyze the data in the last case.

  11. References.
  12. List the reference materials that will play the role in your study.

Mistakes to Avoid

Make sure that your dissertation proposal is well structured. Poorly structured proposals may lead to the thought that the work itself will be awkward. Don’t hasten to submit your proposal as soon as you have written it. Carefully proofread to make sure that grammar errors don’t steal in anywhere. Consistently use future tense through the writing telling the reader what “you will do”, but avoid arrogance and demonstrate flexibility in approach.

